
APL Full forms in English -What are the Full forms of APL? (50+fullforms)

What are the Full forms of APL? : Here you can find out APL Full Forms in English apart from this so many Full forms of APL from different categories. You no longer have to look for the Full forms of APL, What are the Full forms of APL?. which are the categories used every day. Such as educational, communicational, medical, political, Information Technology, Science, School, College, and many more. which are listed below.

What are the Full forms of APL?


What are the Full forms of APL?


By the way, APL has a lot of Full forms. Which is popular in various categories. This post is full of details about What are the Full forms of APL? APL Fullforms in English. Read the full article to find out which category you want to know. I hope you find the information you need.

What are the Full forms of APL? -APL Full forms in English

A short form of a word or sentence From a word or phrase it can fully refer to a group of words or phrases. There are so many types it’s hard to say Abbreviations are used in all fields, including science, technology, computers, education, testing, and banking. Let’s find out how full forms help. Let’s find out now What are the Full forms of APL? or APL Full forms in English.

APL General A Positive Life
APL Software A Programming Language
APL Anatomy & Physiology Abductor Pollicis Longus
APL Universities & Institutions Accreditation of Prior Learning
APL Sofware & Applications Adaptive Public License
APL Physics Advanced Physics Laboratory
APL Companies & Corporations Advanced Production Loading
APL Transportation Airport Lights
APL General Airsoft Pacific League
APL General Allan Pineda Lindo
APL German Alles Parallel Loesbar
APL Politics Alliance of Progressive Labor
APL Military Allowance Parts List
APL Cricket American Premier League
APL Transportation American President Lines, Ltd.
APL Software Apache Public License
APL File Extensions APL workspace
APL Research & Development Applied Physics Laboratory
APL Journals & Publications Applied Physics Letters
APL Sofware & Applications AROS Public License
APL Language & Literature Array Processing Language
APL Educational Assessment of Prior Learning
APL Military Assistant Patrol Leader
APL Regional Organizations Association of Pension Lawyers
APL AMEX Symbols Atlas Pipeline Partners, L. P.
APL General Automatic Premium Loan
APL Educational Automatic Progression Level
APL Community Average Party Level
APL General Average Product Of Labor
APL Programming Languages named after the book “A Programming Language”
APL Airport Codes Nampula Airport
APL Country-Specific Above Poverty Line
APL Softwares Apache Public License
APL Medical Alters- und Pflegeheim Laenzerthus
APL Other Animal Planet Live
APL Medical Alters- Und Pflegeheim Lindenhus
APL Government allowance parts list
APL Indian Railway Station APPIKATLA
APL Medical Adanac Park Lodge
APL Government Auxiliary Personnel Lighter
APL Government associative programming language
APL Government Barracks Craft
APL Government average picture level
APL Food Apple
APL Medical Alters- Und Pflegeheim Laendliheim
APL File Type Manugraphics All Products Support Module
APL Softwares Apache Public License
APL Measurement Unit Alcohol Per Liter
APL Country-Specific Above Poverty Line
APL Military and Defence Anti-personnel Land Mine

APL Full forms Stand for other Country

Not only in India but also outside India, the APL’s full Form stands for big brands. Which could be a Company. There can be an educational institution. Otherwise, it could be a media house, there are so many Big brands. Which may be National or international with the short name APL. which are listed below.

What are the Full forms of APL? -APL Full forms in English

Worldwide Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Diseases & Conditions APL
Worldwide AROS Public License Software & Applications APL
Worldwide Abductor Pollicis Longus Anatomy & Physiology APL
India Above Poverty Line Census & Statistics APL
Worldwide Accreditation of Prior Learning Academic & Science APL
Worldwide Adaptive Public License Software & Applications APL
Norway Advanced Production Loading Companies & Corporations APL
America American Premier League Sports & Games APL
America American President Lines Companies & Corporations APL
Worldwide Applied Physics Letters News & Entertainment APL
United Kingdom Association of Pension Lawyers Regional Organizations APL
APL Full Forms in English

Full forms of APL solve Queries:

  1. What is the meaning of APL?

Above Poverty Line (APL) is an economic benchmark and poverty threshold used by the government of India. It is determined using various parameters which vary from state to state and within states.

  1. What are the full forms of APL Worldwide?
  2. What are the famous full forms of APLs?
  3. Full forms of APL.
  4. What does APL stand for in education?
  5. What does APL stand for?
  6. Expand the full name of the APL.
  7. What is the full form of APL in India?

All of these words used in our daily life are common and frequently used. It is good for us to use this word, which we need to remember and learn, in short, but many people do not know its full meaning. Knowing its full form will make you smarter than others and will also prepare you for the future of Exams where these abbreviations are frequently asked.

Friends, in this post you learned that. What are the Full forms of APL? or APL Full forms in English. There are many more words, which are very important for us to know their full form, they are given below.

Related Full forms


We are here to give you a full overview of all the important and useful words. The information provided here is very useful to students and everyone else. All the forms used in the life of an ordinary human being have been expanded. Our goal is to make all information available from time to time.

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